

RokQuickCart is a simple shopping cart for Joomla. It takes a simple, yet elegant, shopping cart script and integrates directly into Joomla. It allows you to showcase products, inclusive of images, descriptions and additional options, and purchase these items, with support for shipping and tax calculation.

The extension uses PayPal and Google Checkout as its payment systems.

Product Setup

Setting up products in RokQuickCart is quick, simple and easy. Follow the instructions below to create a product.


  • Login into the Joomla administrator at www.yoursite.com
  • Go to Components → RokQuickCart
  • Click New
  • Fill out the product details:

    • Name
    • Price
    • Shipping Cost
    • Shelf Image
    • Description
    • Show Sizes
    • Sizes - interactive custom fields
    • Show Colors
    • Colors - interactive custom fields
  • Save

As outlined above, creating a product is very easy with RokQuickCart.

The Shelf Image option uses the Media Manager to load the image from the /images/rokquickcart/ directory. Please upload the large image as the component will automatically resize to match the parameters set in your configuration.

Store Configuration

You can configure the component from Admin → Components → RokQuickCart. There, you will find a button called Parameters in the top right of the administrator where you can configure the general aspects of the store.


The general parameters are split into sections: Page Options, Tax Options, Shipping Options, Checkout Options, PayPal Options and Google Checkout Options

Page Options

  • Cart Page Title
  • Shelf item width
  • Shelf image width
  • Cart item height
  • Cart image width
  • Use RokBox for Full image
  • Include default CSS

These parameters control the physical aspects of the store, such as images, layout and structure. You can define the widths and heights of the various store elements in this field set. Also, you can activate RokBox for your images if you wish to show large versions

Ensure that Include default CSS is set to Yes for your store to inherit the correct styling and functionality

Tax Options

  • Use the Tax rate in calculating the final cost of the cart
  • Tax Rate

Tax, if enabled, will automatically be calculated to the cost shown in the cart. The rate is set in a percentage so for 17.5%, please use 0.15 as the correct integer.

Shipping Options

  • Add Shipping?
  • Shipping Cost Calculation Method
  • Flat Rate Amount
  • Quantity Rate Amount
  • Percent Shipping

There are 4 options for shipping costs: Per Item Shipping sets the shipping cost from the configuration of each product; Flat Rate is a set value for shipping that is added to all products; Quantity Rate is a set value added to the cart, rather than individual products and Percent Shipping which sets the shipping cost as a percentage of the total product price.

Checkout Options

  • PayPal
  • Google Checkout

PayPal Options

  • PayPal Email
  • PayPal Currency

Setup PayPal as a checkout option. Just enter your PayPal address and the currency you wish to use and PayPal will process your product sales.

Google Checkout Options

  • Google Checkout Merchant ID
  • Google Checkout Currency

Setup Google Checkout as a checkout option. Just enter your Google Checkout Merchant ID and the currency you wish to use and Google Checkout will process your product sales.


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