
Second Annual Millennium Promise Partners’ Meeting in New York

Millennium Promise Partners' MeetingThe Second Annual Millennium Promise Partners’ Meeting convened in New York on September 21, 2010. There were 250 partner attendees, including The Green Family Foundation. The meeting featured world and business leaders who share an interest in reducing extreme poverty in Africa and other impoverished areas of the world, including Haiti. President Bingu wa Mutharika of Malawi, President Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal, and President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda were among the attendees. The meeting coincided with the UN General Assembly gathering and marked the five-year anniversary of Millennium Promise's founding.

Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, Director of Columbia Unviersity's Earth Institute and founder of the the Millennium Villages Project, reiterated the commitment to supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals to halve extreme poverty by 2015. John McArthur, CEO and Executive Director of Millennium Promise, shared his vision of what the Promise is all about. "The Millennium Promise partnership can evolve into a platform onto which we can achieve international solidarity to meet the challenge of global financial crisis, food shortages, poverty and under-development," he said. "We must all believe that the world is one and that the problems are always lighter when they are shared."

The Millennium Villages Project was launched at scale in 2006 and now reaches nearly half a million people across ten countries. The goal is to show how an integrated approach to community-level development can translate the international MDG agreements into ground-level breakthroughs throughout rural sub-Saharan Africa. The Green Family Foundation has provided a grant to the Millennium Village Project in Haiti in 2008 and continues its efforts to reduce poverty in Haiti's rural and most impoverished areas.


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