FIU’s med-school students healing more than bodies
Early in my professional career, I worked as a field researcher for a nutrition program in a low-income area in Atlanta. I was charged with collecting information on the fruit and vegetable consumption of local residents, and in exchange they would receive a small honorarium.
One day I arrived at the home of a single mother of two whose electricity had been disconnected because of a delinquent bill. The apartment windows were partially boarded up, and the only consistent light came through the front door. As I prepared to reschedule my visit, the mother explained that she needed the honorarium to help pay her electric bill.
We sat with the front door open and hurriedly completed the survey, racing against the sunset.
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» | Purchase Alan Lomax In Haiti: Recordings For The Library Of Congress, 1936-1937, nominated for two GRAMMY Awards. |
A Documentary by Kimberly Green
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» | Watch GFF President Kimberly Green's CGI Stories segment about the music of Alan Lomax. |